
  1. says

    Well Pickles my auld pal, yous aye bin a braw wee pooch but yer nae westie, an I shuld ken!
    But how ye gangin? Ah’ve not been sae weel mysel, ahn its bin lang since I dug what ye might call a decent hole. But I can still get aboot weel enough, ahn the postie still kent what tae expect if he disnae bring ma biscuit.
    The auld wifey says to check oot the website for the deco showgarden, although it’s that lang since she did it, I cannae mind it at all.
    I hope tae see some mair pics of you soon, although nae doot ye’ll be keepin snug til the weather fairs up a bit.
    From your pal

  2. says

    Hello Pickles, It is great to see that you have visited our area on your travels.
    Like you we like to explore and we too have our own blog –

    Whilst we are on let us help you out with the above images-
    The top image – with the big chimney – is the former Shaddongate Mill. The chimney is said to have been the 8th tallest in the world in it’s day.
    We are not sure on the histories of the other buildings… but will try and find out for you.

    Keep on wagging
    Buster and Charlie

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