The Firestone tyre factory – Great West Road – London – 1928 – Wallis Gilbert & Partners
Demolished in 1980, I believe on the day before a preservation order was due to come into effect (although this could be a local myth?), all that’s left are the boundary wall and entrances. THe rest of the site is now home to Sky Broadcasting and a delightful PC World.
And here is the main entrance in it former glory. – Heartbreaking!
If you want to break your heart a little more, this site has a few extra photos of the factory before and as it was knocked down:
Yes it was true about the demolition. It made national news the day after. I was rather fond of the factory, and as a child I was thrilled at the sight of dozens of illuminated Christmas trees they used to put up each year.
I was going to photograph the factory after it closed, and before they took down the ‘Firestone’ signs. The demolition men beat me to it. There hardly seems to be any decent photos of it in all it’s splendour.
I took some photos on the day (Sunday) that this beautiful factory was being demolished. Although it was on an extremely busy main road everyone else seemed to just pass by without noticing the destruction that was taking place. It still makes me sad looking at those photos.
It makes me sad too… But I’d love to see your photos G.
Mr P
Hi Mr P. Feel free to email me if you are interested in the photos and i can send them to you.
I wish I’d seen this building. It looks magnificent. I read about it last year, hadn’t realised that the Trafalgar House philistines had destroyed it.
If I recall rightly about the demolition, they did get a preservation order when the Easter Bank Holiday was comming up, and when it required someone in authority in the local council to sign it, they’d gone home early. Without that signature to stop the contractors, over the Bank Holiday the building was thus demolished.
Wondeful building, like many 1920’s and 1930’s industrial buildings which have long since gone. A great tragedy!
OMG, I just googled Firestone Factory and was thrilled to find some pictures of the factory before it was knocked down. I remember driving past on the way to my Nan & grandad’s in Southall when I was about 7-10 years old. I was obsessed with the front door and used to make my dad pull the car over so that I could look at it, which was a bit tricky on the busy road, I have never forgotten it and it is so sad that they destroy these lovely pieces of artwork to make room for boring buildings, but it is lovely to be able to see it again. Thanks:)
I passed this building many times in the 70s,on my way to school (Gunnersbury) .I must admit that at 12 years old all I can remember is this very big impressive white building .Over the years I have become to appreciate and love the design of these buildings. I think the same fate became of the Minimax in Feltham.
My uncle worked at Firestones and I worked next to the Minimax.
Very Sad
Great photos,well done
Thanks Mark – glad you approve!!
Lucky you for having been able to see both factories in their glory, even if you didn’t quite appreciate it at the time!
Mr P
Likewise, I used to be thrilled at the sight of all the Christmas trees in front of the Firestone factory and it was an essential part of Christmas to go and see all the Great West Road Christmas lights and see who had the best.
It is ironic that where the Luftwaffe failed, the developers succeeded.
Does anyone know if this was Grade 1 listed? I came upon this site while trying to explain Grade listing to someone and how it works (or doesn’t).
am trying to find out how to obtain firestones magazines,my father worked there for years and i used to go to the christmas party,one year i got up and sang and i was put in magazine,aroung the 1955 time,would love to get copy to show my grandchildren,anyone know how or were i can get it.
I was in the Museum of London this afternoon and discovered the main doors from the factory with some very small remains indeed of art deco tiling.
Oo – I look forward to a trip to the MoL – Thanks for the heads-up MG!
Hi,I have some great memories of Firestone Brentford .
My Father started work there in 1928 and worked there all through WW2 untill his retirement,42years later.I used to go to the Christmas parties in the 1940s.
I started work as an Engineering apprentice in August 1953 ,and I woked there until it closed .The Christmas Trees were very attractive ,but I remember so well how it always seem to be raining when the Electricians were putting all the lights on the trees and they used to come in soaked and frozen
The East and West wings were added in the 50/60s .Theres no doubt that the building frontage was very imposing and admired by many,however all the buildings behind the facard was a heavy engineering factory with both extremly hot and dirty manufacturing proceeedures.
The Firestone Brentford magazine was called the “NON-SKID”,Both my Father and I both featured in the magazine for long service awards etc.
I enjoyed working at Firestone and worked with some really nice people and met quite a few great characters
Thank you so much for sharing some of your memories with us. Fascinating. I’d love to get hold of a copy of Non-Skid!
In my lifetime only the Gillette Factory remained working to its original purpose. Of course, sadly, no more. Gillette Corner is a sorry place now after dark, with the clock no longer lit up in neon – even sadder at this time of year when it would also have been lined with Christmas trees. With your memories of the Great West Road in its prime it must be very nostalgic for you.
Would love to hear more of your tales. Do you have any photos of the Firestone Factory in its heyday?